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Overcoming Depression & Anxiety 

What I've learned on my journey so far

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"Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow...lies a seed, that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the rose"

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A Rose in Winter

My story is unique yet relatable.  Like many others, I have struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life.   And though I still fight these battles at times, I have learned important truths along the way. I am not a licensed counselor or therapist; everything I advocate comes from either professionals who have counseled me or from raw personal experience.  I am a dreamer, an artist and a warrior.   In life, as with a rose, there are both flowers and thorns.  Though it is often hard, I am continually learning how to appreciate the flowers and deal with the thorns.  I pray that God speaks to you today through this blog, reminding you that there is always hope, forgiveness and grace available.  Through my own journey, I've learned first hand that God is good and offers these things freely; all you need to do is receive.  

“Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”


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